Hours of complete videos with unlimited access to master Automa
Over €1000 of templates on offer now, and more to come!
A private community on Discord for sharing and exchanging ideas
Become an automation expert in less than 21 days
They've taken the training...
When will it be your turn?
With the Automa Course "Pro" Pack:
👉 Access all training modules and templates, without exception: more than 60 modules and 25 templates!
👉 Automate all your tasks on Google Chrome or Firefox
👉 Imagine all kinds of applications: website scraping, data aggregation, mass content creation with AI, etc.
👉 Learn how to monetize your templates
Free templates : Download new templates regularly to meet new needs, based on suggestions from the community.
Community platform : Join a caring, supportive community ready to help each other! You'll be able to chat regularly with other members as well as successful entrepreneurs on Discord.